Guantánamo Public Memory Project

Should the government use GTMO for refugees in the future?
1994–1996  Cuban Balseros at GTMO

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November 4th, 2017
Kevin Maloney
Fargo, ND.
yes Yes So long as it maintains facilities and respects people's human rights. Its function should be to aid and provide assistance…Read More
yes Yes So long as it maintains facilities and respects people's human rights. Its function should be to aid and provide assistance to any human being in need. Especially in the cases of disaster relief. Read less
October 25th, 2014
Paula Caicedo
New Orleans, LA
yes As long as they improve the facilities and the conditions for refugees I think it would have a better purpose if it is used…Read More
yes As long as they improve the facilities and the conditions for refugees I think it would have a better purpose if it is used as a refugee camp instead of a prison. Read less
June 5th, 2014
Submitted by SMS
no it has been used too many times before to no good end
November 13th, 2013
Steven Molloy
Villa Hills , KY
yes Yes, we need a place to put evil and make evil tell us its plans so good and stop it.
March 20th, 2013
John Kellett
no GTMO should return to its role as the ideal place for Fleet Training.
December 8th, 2012
Submitted by SMS
no This should be a question for CUBA's government.
April 18th, 2016
rich lee
miami, ga
no using the property of another country, against that countries will, to house what we consider the most evil people on the…Read More
no using the property of another country, against that countries will, to house what we consider the most evil people on the planet because we're too scared and weak to house them on our own soil? Thanks America, you guys sure are a good people. I bet you all believe in God. boy it really shows! Read less
October 22nd, 2014
Submitted by SMS
no are more human methods of handling incarceration or criminals in the system
April 23rd, 2014
Frederick Ward
Los Gatos, CA
yes Yes, it is a very good place for transitioning people. Not to be holding them as prisoners, of course, but providing safety…Read More
yes Yes, it is a very good place for transitioning people. Not to be holding them as prisoners, of course, but providing safety while their eventual expatriation can be best ascertained. Read less
April 9th, 2013
Jasmeet Bawa
no Not unless Cuba is okay with that and the base is used for no other reason.
December 9th, 2012
Submitted by SMS
yes Just until they are admitted and processed
December 8th, 2012
Submitted by SMS
no Definitely not
October 28th, 2014
LGST 1010
New Orleans, LA
yes The government should use GTMO for refugees in the future because it is already a location that is pretty well developed.…Read More
yes The government should use GTMO for refugees in the future because it is already a location that is pretty well developed. The process to make another place will be costly and just doesn't make sense at this current time. I am thinking about it for the fact that is already a developed area. Read less
September 9th, 2014
Submitted by SMS
no As long as it is a prison it should not be used for refugees. But if the prison is shut down, then yes.
April 18th, 2014
Karen Usiak
Bealeton, VA
yes Although I would prefer not, since my family was evacuated during the Haitian refugee situation, I do see the need for a…Read More
yes Although I would prefer not, since my family was evacuated during the Haitian refugee situation, I do see the need for a place off shore for holding and processing refugees so as not to overrun the country. And you people who were never there have NO idea how well the refugees had/have it!!! Read less
March 29th, 2013
raymond love
orlando, FL
no Refugees were treated like prisoners. They should have been given political asylum and flown to the US.
December 9th, 2012
Submitted by SMS
no The conditions are too harsh
December 7th, 2012
Submitted by SMS
yes If they improve the facilities and make it a safe haven

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